Try out Google’s large language models using the PaLM API and MakerSuiteExplore Generative AI


Return TF logger instance.

Used in the notebooks

Used in the guide Used in the tutorials

An instance of the Python logging library Logger.

See Python documentation ( for detailed API. Below is only a summary.

The logger has 5 levels of logging from the most serious to the least:

  1. FATAL
  2. ERROR
  3. WARN
  4. INFO
  5. DEBUG

The logger has the following methods, based on these logging levels:

  1. fatal(msg, *args, **kwargs)
  2. error(msg, *args, **kwargs)
  3. warn(msg, *args, **kwargs)
  4. info(msg, *args, **kwargs)
  5. debug(msg, *args, **kwargs)

The msg can contain string formatting. An example of logging at the ERROR level using string formating is:

tf.get_logger().error("The value %d is invalid.", 3)

You can also specify the logging verbosity. In this case, the WARN level log will not be emitted:

tf.get_logger().warn("This is a warning.")