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Module: tf.autograph

Conversion of eager-style Python into TensorFlow graph code.

AutoGraph transforms a subset of Python which operates on TensorFlow objects into equivalent TensorFlow graph code. When executing the graph, it has the same effect as if you ran the original code in eager mode. Python code which doesn't operate on TensorFlow objects remains functionally unchanged, but keep in mind that tf.function only executes such code at trace time, and generally will not be consistent with eager execution.

For more information, see the AutoGraph reference documentation, and the tf.function guide.


experimental module: Public API for tf.autograph.experimental namespace.


set_verbosity(...): Sets the AutoGraph verbosity level.

to_code(...): Returns the source code generated by AutoGraph, as a string.

to_graph(...): Converts a Python entity into a TensorFlow graph.

trace(...): Traces argument information at compilation time.